Thursday 21 October 2010

Fairie Princess

At the Zoo, Signe got her very first facial paintjob, and she loved it. It is definitely not the last time she will want this. Yesterday, she was a fairie princess, she said :-)

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Today we went to the Zoo, and along came Auntie Lisbeth. We had a great time - more pictures will follow :-)

Friday 8 October 2010


With kittens in the house, you never know when they are going to pop up from a hiding place. A few days ago, Signe and I were packing her bag for school, and got an unexpected surprise - Gaia!
Another very good hiding place is amongst Signe´s teddys, I almost never find them, if they hide there.
Besides the kittens being a handful - no TWO handful´s, everything is fine.
Lisa just got over a very bad cold, which had spread to her ears and gave her an ear infection. We got penicillin and she recovered fast. Signe has been to the ear doctor too and had small drains put into her ears, releasing fluid, that she apparently build up during the last year. That means that she now hears normally, instead of the minus 30% before. It all went fine and she has no problems with it. Signe is also doing fine in school, she reads almost fluid now. She said that she finds mathematics hard, but she´s dong fine. Lisa is almost walking on her own, her banc is getting much better and he tries hard to get around as she pleases. She keeps saying a word, sounding like the danish name "Dorte"... too bad we dont have someone with that name in the family, hehe..