Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Spring! .... or not?

Just as we thought spring arrived, we woke up to minus 9 degrees, this morning. So the small spring flowers in the lawn froze, and we had to take out the mittens and hats once again. But the mornings are lighter, and when the sun is shining (and it is every day), we still get a feeling of spring on the way.
The girls are doing just fine. Lisa started swimming lessons with Odin on tuesdays, and Signe is still taking riding-lessons and playing the flute.
Monty started a "Puppy-training-class", I take him every sunday. He's getting bigger and better at everything, but he's still very silly and needs to learn alot.
We are looking forward to the visit this weekend, where we will celebrate Odins birthday :-)

 Lisa playing outside, when I picked her up in the Kindergarden.

 Monty and Signe sunday morning.

The cold danish spring. It is nice to take the long, fresh walks with Monty.