The girls grow fast, so today they both got a set of new jammies. They look very cute when they wear the same clothes, but I doubt I can control it much longer...
Monday, 28 December 2009
The girls grow fast, so today they both got a set of new jammies. They look very cute when they wear the same clothes, but I doubt I can control it much longer...
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Visiting family
(On the pictures, Signe and Lisa´s great grandmother, Else)
Today we went to see Signe and Lisa´s great grandmother. We hadn´t seen her before christmas, so there was gifts waiting for the girls. They both got a homemade purple dress - VERY cute, they are going to look lovely in them :-)
Signe had brought toys and we ended up spending almost the entire day. Lisa was very happy about the visit, and was calm and quiet as usual. My parents also popped by and we all had dinner. Lovely day :-)
Friday, 25 December 2009
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Today was the last day of Signe´s school, she now has a vacation till January 4th.
Lisa and I picked her up from school and we brought Sandra as well, Sandra is Signe´s friend from school. It had been snowing all day, so naturally, the girls wanted to play outside.
So the girls made a snow-girl, they told me it had to be a girl, not a man...
2 days till christmas!
Sunday, 20 December 2009
When mommy´s get bored...

..they do silly things with their children. This is what we came up with, at the last mommy-meeting. See if you can find Lisa!
We still have quite alot of snow, and the temperature is down to minus 10 - lovely!
However, they say in the news that it might melt before christmas, because it will get a little warmer the next few days. Øv!
Yesterday my sister Lisbeth came by, and we took Lisa for a walk in the babycarriage. In the near by Viking-town, there was a marked, so we went to take a look. We met up with Signe, who had been sleeping over at a friends house - which had been great fun. After walking abit we sat down and had a nice freshly-cooked pancake and some hot coco. Lisbeth and Signe started to complaint about the minus 10 degrees, so we walked back home. I could have stayed abit longer, I wasnt cold and the weather was absolutely beautiful.
4 days till christmas!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Winter Wonderland
One week till Christmas, the tree is decorated, the gifts hidden and now we also have snow. We hope it stays, it would be so nice to have a white christmas. Today it´s minus 5 outside, and the temperature wont rise untill some time next week, they say - great!
Since the camera somewhat broke, im taking pictures with my phone, and they dont really get so good. These pictures were taken this morning, but its really WAY nicer outside than on the pictures, which doesnt show how the sun makes the snow glitter, how clear the sky is etc.
But still - doesnt it look nice ? :-)
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Lisa´s first laughter
December 1st, Lisa was about to have a bath. The minute she is put in the water, she starts laughing - for real. Not just a smile with a sound, but a real laugh. It was very contageous and especially daddy was laughing alot. It was extremely cute and we were, naturally, very proud of our little happy girl.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Signe is daily talking about christmas, mentioning all the things she wish for and talking about when to get a christmas tree. So today the decorations are taken out of the shed, and some time during the weekend, we will get a tree. The radio plays christmas songs too, and we are beginning to get into a nice christmas spirit. Odin, however, already mentioned that he had enough of christmas songs already - boy, will he be fed up, Signe and I havent even started being christmassy yet! hehe.. He will survive, Im sure.
Lisa has discovered her voice and has begun to say alot of different noises. Its hillarious to listen to and it´s so nice that she is now actually trying to communicate. Lovely :-)
Lisa has discovered her voice and has begun to say alot of different noises. Its hillarious to listen to and it´s so nice that she is now actually trying to communicate. Lovely :-)
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Smiling Lisa
Visit from Holland
We had the pleasure of having a visit from Holland recently. Saturday afternoon we were all invited to "Mormor & Morfar" for coffee and cake... lots of cake!
Signe was very happy, she got a fancy playmobil-ambulance, which her and Morfar played with alot. And Lisa was held and adored by both grandma´s.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Picture: Lisa and Malina lying in Mattis´s box (Mommy-group).
When having a baby, women are offered to join a "mommy-group". The goal is to talk to other new moms, discuss baby issues etc. Today was the second time I went to my group, and it was a real pleasure, the women are all sweet and time flies when we are together. There are 7 of us, 4 have boys and 3 have girls.
Lisa is starting to make all kinds of noises, its really cute to listen to - Odin melts completely :)
Signe has a bad cold, like all the other kids at school, we hope it will pass quickly.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Grabbing toys
Friday, 6 November 2009
The first snow
The other day it snowed. It was the firts snow of the year, and it didnt stay, it melted almost immediately. Still, it was a strange feeling, looking out the window seeing snowflakes falling. Image that.. it´s already time to think about christmas again. Last year, around this time, we were hoping to get pregnant, and now Im here looking at Lisa sleeping beside me.
Yesterday we had the nurse come by, she weighed and measured Lisa, who is growing fast! - She is now 6 kilos and 60 cm. Thats almost double up in weight, since she was born! She is rushing to grow.. maybe she is trying to immitate her older sister already.
And speaking of Signe, she cracked the code of reading last week. She actually read a page in a small book, she had from school. She was very proud - so were we!
So now we have to practize alot to make it easier for her, Its really a great acomplishment for her. Yay for Signe!
Getting started
We have now had a blog for some time now, and it looks boring and we simply dont use it. But that is about to change. This is the very first post, somewhat a test to see if it all looks as nice as I want it to...
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