The other day it snowed. It was the firts snow of the year, and it didnt stay, it melted almost immediately. Still, it was a strange feeling, looking out the window seeing snowflakes falling. Image that.. it´s already time to think about christmas again. Last year, around this time, we were hoping to get pregnant, and now Im here looking at Lisa sleeping beside me.
Yesterday we had the nurse come by, she weighed and measured Lisa, who is growing fast! - She is now 6 kilos and 60 cm. Thats almost double up in weight, since she was born! She is rushing to grow.. maybe she is trying to immitate her older sister already.
And speaking of Signe, she cracked the code of reading last week. She actually read a page in a small book, she had from school. She was very proud - so were we!
So now we have to practize alot to make it easier for her, Its really a great acomplishment for her. Yay for Signe!
Hi Susi & Odin, I'm very glad that you started the blog again! It's so nice read something about your daily life and of course about Lisa & Signe! Great that Signe can read. she's very fast and Lisa is growing so quick! I'm happy that we come next week so I can see her for myself! Big hug/kisses, Anita