Today Lisa got her second round of vaccines. It was the same as last time, and she took it abit nice than last time, she only cried briefly at the second shot. The doctor examined her and Lisa is now: 70 cm long and weighs 8,3 kilos.
She is healthy and following the expected developement beautifully. The doctor said, with a smile on her face, that Lisa has abit of a low voice, hehe... we have been noticing that at home as well. While Signe sounds like a fairy, Lisa sounds like a rusty, black jazz-diva who´s been smoking too much :-)
All in all: Lisa is in perfect shape! - We now hope that the next 24 hours will be calm, and that she wont get too much of a fever etc. from the vaccine.
Signe started to "Disco" at the local danceschool. Its on wednesdays and she is in a class with 3 of her classmates. She has only been there once so far, but she LOVES it, she came bouncing out of class last time, and wanted to show everything they had done. Perfect :-)
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