The vacation days pass calmly, the girls are enjoying their x-mas gifts and Odin & I relax and play our new games. On New Years we are having some friends over for dinner, Signe will have New Years with her dad, so its Lisa as the only child. We expect it to be calm and nice, as usual :-)
Thursday, 29 December 2011
The vacation days pass calmly, the girls are enjoying their x-mas gifts and Odin & I relax and play our new games. On New Years we are having some friends over for dinner, Signe will have New Years with her dad, so its Lisa as the only child. We expect it to be calm and nice, as usual :-)
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Christmas-time already!
In two days, its Christmas eve. I cant believe it. Its 5 degrees outside and I'm not at all finding my Christmas-spirit. The girls do, though, they are very excited about all the things going on these days :-) So are the cats, especially Aslan, who can´t really understand why he cant climb in the tree, just because its in the living room - it even has toys on it! Well, only a few pieces broke..
All the gifts are ready, except for one or maybe two, I will take care of that today :-) The food we wil buy tomorrow.. all we need is snow. It snowed a little the other day, but its too warm for it to stay. This is really an "off-Christmas", being this warm outside.. its just not right.
Anyways, all is set for Christmas eve, Signe will come home and join in for the fun, I cant wait to have the day perfect for the girls!
Merry Christmas!
All the gifts are ready, except for one or maybe two, I will take care of that today :-) The food we wil buy tomorrow.. all we need is snow. It snowed a little the other day, but its too warm for it to stay. This is really an "off-Christmas", being this warm outside.. its just not right.
Anyways, all is set for Christmas eve, Signe will come home and join in for the fun, I cant wait to have the day perfect for the girls!
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
This afternoon we came home to find a dead bird on the tiles in the garden. We were not sure which breed it was, and knowing that many foundations keep a keen eye on birds, I called up the local department of wildlife. They explained that it was most likely a female young Sparrowhawk, which had flown into the house, while hunting her prey.
The bird it really beautiful, its a shame it died. The cats have been watching the bird from inside with great interest.
After finding out what to do with it, they can sniff it a bit, before I dispose of it. I might get Odin to dig a small hole in the garden, who knows. It just seems so nasty to throw it in the garbage, when its such a big and lovely bird.
The bird is about 25 - 30 cm from beak to tail feather.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Happy Birthday, Lisa

We havent had a very nice summer in Denmark, and I think its safe to say that we already have the beginning of Fall here. Todays weather is calm though, and naturally that must because of Lisas birthday. She celebrated her birthday yesterday at the daycare, bringing cake and buns for all the kids. They sang songs and Lisa almost says "two", while showing two fingers. Bravo!
Today she will be surprized by Oma & Opa, who are visting from Holland to celebrate her birthday. Im sure she will love it :-)
Recently we had a surprize visit from Mormor & Morfar, which Lisa greatly enjoyed - especially when relaxing in the sun with her grandfather (picture).
Happy birthday, sweetheart!
Friday, 12 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Rain, Rain, Rain...
We are all back in business! - well, almost all of us, Signe and I still have 4 days left of our vacation. Its been a summer filled with grey clouds and LOTS of rain. We only had a few good, sunny days, which we spend painting the house, and playing with the girls. In fact, they say in the news that all the museums and cinemas made 25% more money that usually, simply because of the bad weather during the summer... that's a lot!
Kids and Cats are fine; Aslan is now allowed outside, but on the first day in the garden he lost his collar, so I'm not too fond of leaving him outside, without someone to watch him. Lisa is very happy to be back in Daycare, I think she missed playing with her friends. Signe is looking forward to her first day of school on Monday. This Saturday she starts handball, which she is also looking forward to. Luna is busy teaching Aslan to leave her alone, when she naps...
Oh, and I'm trying to find a rhythm or gym class for toddlers, it would be good for Lisa.
Next sunny day will be spend painting the rest of the house. We did good so far, it looks very nice, all white wood on the house is painted black. I will take some before and after pictures :-)
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Today we went to the Zoo. We were very lucky with the weather, it couldn't have been better - but that also meant that half of Copenhagen was at the Zoo... but it was OK, not so crowded. Signe had her face painted and Lisa got to point at all the animals and she tried to say all kinds of different animal-sounds, some were good others very weird!
Lisa seemed to like the Tigers best, and Signe the monkeys :-)
We had a wonderful day :-)
Saturday, 16 July 2011
New family member
As you already know, and have seen on Facebook, Luna got a little brother. He is, actually, her real biological brother. When we wrote the owner of the parent-cats about Gaia, they told us about the litter they had. Odin and I went to see the 4 male kittens, and it was quite hard to decide which one to choose. Aslan and his black/white brother were both very interesting.. we talked about it all the way home in the car. During the visit, Aslan had shown interest from we came till we left, so we finally figured that he had picked us, not the other way around. His very handsome, dark brother had been quite indifferent towards us, and only sniffed us once. Aslan sat beside us sniffing, looking, examining all the time... so yes. Aslan was the choice.
Next problem was a name... !!! Signe wanted something she knew from a story or movie, Odin wanted something masculine and NOT cuddly and I wanted something to fit his creamy color.
Luna has been very sweet and accepting towards Aslan. She is still getting used to him here, and wants to be in charge - and he lets her. They started playing a little, but she is not taking the "mommy-role", even though he would like her to. When Luna is outside, Aslan stays close to us all the time... we need to watch where we step! - And if in doubt of where he is, we can go by sound, because he purrs so loud, that we sometimes need to say "shh"!!
Welcome to the family, Aslan.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
One week to vacation...
... But only for me and Signe. Odin and Lisa will have to wait a little...
Lisa had a few days with fever and being cranky. We have no idea why, she didnt really seam sick, other than the fever, however, we heard about alot of other children with fever, so she might just have caught something somewhere. She´s fine now, and happy as always.
Signe went to a trial-lesson for Handball yesterday, and absolutely loved it. Many of her friends from school is on the team, so she´s now all excited about playing handball - great! Her and I recently bought tickets to this years "Cirkus Summarum", which she is looking very much forward to.
pic 1 : Lisa smiling at the camera.
pic 2: Signe and Lisa got the same summer-jacket - CUTE!!
pic 3: Lisa and Daddy, on the day Lisa had a fever.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
24 degrees in the shade.
It only took a day or two for the weather to change, after Romy & Gijs left. And since then, its been really nice, clear blue skies and a lot of sun. We have to oil up in sun lotion in the morning, and again at lunch. Lovely!
We have been playing in the garden a lot, Signe loves being outside, preferably with water. Lisa has been a bit overwhelmed by the heat, and has been struggling a bit, sleeping a lot and being very dependent on mommy.
Its now 20:00 and the kids are put to bed... the sun is still out, and warming alot. The cats are running around on the laws, being very kitten-ish! Lovely :-)
Lisa is still only talking jibberish, but she talks alot! She eats very nicely with her fork now, and when using a spoon, she even tips it on the side of the plate, in order not to spill! - she learned that today :-)
Note: only the first picture is from our warm summer days :)
Saturday, 28 May 2011
On top: Lisa at the Indian-day with daycare. All the kids in town met for a picnic and everyone was dressed as Indians - including the adults.
Bottom: Lisa with Papa, eating a yoghurt.
The birds are singing (and some of them are dead on our doorstep, thank you Gaia and Luna), the garden is green and the kids happy. We have approx 20 degrees on the good days and some spring-rain from time to time. The girls are happy and doing great. Lisa is growing alot, and even though she doesnt speak yet, she understands everything that goes on around her - and she reacts correctly to both danish and dutch. Signe is getting big too, she recently had a performance at school, where her class was singing a song for the rest of the school. Second grade is around the corner, which is hard to understand. Time flies!
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Back on the Blog
Its been a while since Odin and I updated the blog, so yes... getting back on track here. Tons of things happened over Christmas and new year and beginning to describe it all will take me all weekend, so that's not going to happen.
So what is currently going on here? - well, Signe has her winter-vacation at the moment, and she´s trying to read as much as possible, since there's a "who reads the most in the vacation"-contest in her class. She´s getting really good at reading, she even read the cards herself, when playing "Monopoly" the other day.. owh, and she was also winning big time.. She also has two more loose teeth, so son she wont have any left in her mouth, I think...
Lisa on the other side, seems to be getting a few more, she keeps putting her finger in the back of her mouth. Lisa is really the dancer and singer of the family, she does nothing but dance. Even at the store, she hears the tunes on the speakers, and she starts to dance. She also says "Hi" to everyone we pass, when out. She´s so charming, and does a lot of crazy things every day!
The rest of us are fine :-)
Its been a while since Odin and I updated the blog, so yes... getting back on track here. Tons of things happened over Christmas and new year and beginning to describe it all will take me all weekend, so that's not going to happen.
So what is currently going on here? - well, Signe has her winter-vacation at the moment, and she´s trying to read as much as possible, since there's a "who reads the most in the vacation"-contest in her class. She´s getting really good at reading, she even read the cards herself, when playing "Monopoly" the other day.. owh, and she was also winning big time.. She also has two more loose teeth, so son she wont have any left in her mouth, I think...
Lisa on the other side, seems to be getting a few more, she keeps putting her finger in the back of her mouth. Lisa is really the dancer and singer of the family, she does nothing but dance. Even at the store, she hears the tunes on the speakers, and she starts to dance. She also says "Hi" to everyone we pass, when out. She´s so charming, and does a lot of crazy things every day!
The rest of us are fine :-)
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