... But only for me and Signe. Odin and Lisa will have to wait a little...
Lisa had a few days with fever and being cranky. We have no idea why, she didnt really seam sick, other than the fever, however, we heard about alot of other children with fever, so she might just have caught something somewhere. She´s fine now, and happy as always.
Signe went to a trial-lesson for Handball yesterday, and absolutely loved it. Many of her friends from school is on the team, so she´s now all excited about playing handball - great! Her and I recently bought tickets to this years "Cirkus Summarum", which she is looking very much forward to.
pic 1 : Lisa smiling at the camera.
pic 2: Signe and Lisa got the same summer-jacket - CUTE!!
pic 3: Lisa and Daddy, on the day Lisa had a fever.
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