Thanks for a lovely visit, Oma & Opa.
We came home to a garden full of blooming roses, which was sooooo nice!
The heatwave you have in Holland continued in Denmark, so we have been in the garden all day, bathing in the small pools - Lisa is using Signe´s old one, which is very nice. Signe had a friend over today, and they both ran around in bathing clothes all day. Lovely!
I planted the "Kaprifolie", so cross your fingers!
(yes, the pictures are messed up, the top one is the roses in our garden - some of them. The next is the Kaprifolie we stole in Oma´s garden and planted at home, the third is Lisa´s pool in the garden, and the bottom is Oma and Lisa)
I'm suprised that the Kamperfoelie is still green!! And your roses are beautifull. We loved your stay also very much.