Unfortunately my computer broke down, so I havent been so good at updating the blog recently. But here goes... Uuuh, alot happened, I guess. Signe and Lisa are both growing extremely fast; Signe is about to go on summervacation from school, and in August she starts 1st grade. She reads now and getting pretty good with numbers as well.. Big girl! Lisa is becomming very much a rascal - like her father - and she wants to do everything all the time - at once. She can be quite the handfull nowadays.
Odin is busy at work, and Im slowly getting back to work as well. I attended some meetings and such, to plan the upcomming schoolyear.
The house and garden are just lovely! - we plan to paint the house this summer, and the garden is blooming like never before. Its really very nice - and yes, we made sure to enjoy it all, taking out the barbecue and beer :-)
The summedays are supposed to be here, I guess, but all we get is rain these days. Im really hoping for some nice weather soon, we need it after the long and cold winter we had.
The pictures added to this post are just some random ones, from the last few weeks; Signe and Lisa playing together, Lisa and her new swing :-)
Nice to reed again about the happy family! It is fun to see that Signe now really can play a little with her sister. The picture of Lisa in the swing is cute. Can't wait to see her, til soon!